Roweis colleagues deserve jerk, because he was over 37 years was known as a brilliant. Even with the age of relatively young, he was considered a rising star in the field of IT.
National Post, Thursday (14/1/2010), the father of these twins before joining the University of New York is a lecturer at the IT campus renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of Toronto in 2001.
Craig Boutilier, Head of the Faculty of Computer Science University of Toronto recognizes the brilliance Roweis has carved his name in developing a technique that simplifies complex data, and helps the computer to more easily make comparisons between the images, faces and voices.
In addition, he continued, one of the results of his work is to create programs that can minimize the effects of image blur that has been taken.
But what power, brilliance of mind in IT Roweis seem unable to conquer the trials of the household. The professor was determined to take IT short way to get out of family problems by leaping from 16th floor apartment after a heated argument with his wife.